Eclipse is the third installment to the Twilight Saga franchise. The third film explores a love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Bella is surrounded by danger as Seattle is hit by newborn vampires who are murdering citizens and an evil vampire who continues her request for revenge. Action was introduced to Eclipse in order to draw in a larger audience and make it less romantic.
Even though I am a fan of the Twilight Saga, Eclipse is my least favorite film. Bella's indecisiveness causes a ripple effect. Bella loves Edward and Jacob, a werewolf and a vampire. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies. They aren't meant to coexist with each other. They both have their differences. Bella fails to see the bigger picture. She is causing tension amongst the two, putting both parties in danger.
Bella is also the reason why an army of newborn vampires are murdering the citizens of Seattle. In the first film, Edward kills Victoria's significant other because he tried killing Bella. Victoria, felling anger and showing no remorse, created an army of newborn vampires to go after Bella. As I mentioned before, ripple effect.
Not only that, but the Volturi had to get involved as well. The Volturi are a civilized coven of vampires, the largest and most powerful in the series, and enforce the laws of the vampire world. It consists of 5 members, each with a unique power. The murders in Seattle became news and it became a focal point in the city. Therefore, The Volturi had to control the situation by murdering all newborn vampires. However, at the end of the film, Bella managed to unite vampires and werewolves to destroy the army of newborn vampires. I guess that's the only silver lining in the film.
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